Care and the Comfort of HomeCare and the Comfort of Home

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Care and the Comfort of Home

There comes a time when you're no longer able to care for your loved one's medical needs at home. They might need injected medications that you are not confident injecting. Maybe they need to be moved or sponge bathed, and you're not strong enough to do it on your own. At times like these, home health care service organizations can come to your rescue. Most people approach in-home care with a little apprehension, and that's understandable. Having a stranger come into your home can be strange! We hope that in reading the articles on this website, you'll grow more comfortable with the idea and learn a bit more about what home care has to offer.


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Home Care Services For Alzheimer's Patients

If you are unable to care for your loved one who has Alzheimer's disease, consider 24/7 home care services. The cognitive decline seen in Alzheimer's patients is typically progressive, and while patients may still be able to care for themselves in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, as time goes on, they may require around-the-clock care. Here are some reasons your loved one with Alzheimer's disease may need 24/7 home care services if they live alone.

Sundowning Syndrome

People who have Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia may develop a syndrome known as "sundowning." People with this syndrome often become confused and disoriented when the sun goes down, hence the name of the syndrome.

If your loved one becomes confused or disoriented when it starts to get dark outside, they may require 24/7 home care services. Alzheimer's patients with sundowning syndrome may wander away from the home, putting their safety in danger. An around-the-clock home caregiver can monitor your loved one during the night and if the senior individual becomes confused or wants to leave the home, the caregiver can gently redirect the person. 

Aggressive Behavior

Aggressive behavior is not uncommon in people who have Alzheimer's disease. Although aggressive behavior and combativeness are typically seen in those who have late-stage Alzheimer's, it can sometimes be seen in those who have early-stage Alzheimer's. Aggressive behavior not only poses a risk to other people, but it can also pose a risk to the Alzheimer patient, resulting in self-harm and injury.

Aggressiveness sometimes occurs when the cognitively impaired person is unable to express their needs. For example, if the elderly Alzheimer's patient is thirsty or hungry, they may act out. The caregiver will ensure that your loved one eats their meals in a timely manner and goes to the bathroom when necessary.

The 24/7 home care services provider will also monitor the individual for signs and symptoms of illness such as fever and pain, which may also lead to aggressive behavior in the patient with Alzheimer's disease. If the caregiver suspects that the person is sick, you will be notified so that you can call the physician. Once your loved one is feeling better, aggressive behavior and combativeness may resolve. 

If your loved one is cognitively impaired as a result of Alzheimer's disease or another type of dementia and needs constant monitoring, call a home care services agency to learn more. Once you have all the information you need, you can then make an informed decision about which types of home care services best suits yours and your loved one's needs. 

Reach out to a home care service in your area for more information.