Care and the Comfort of HomeCare and the Comfort of Home

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Care and the Comfort of Home

There comes a time when you're no longer able to care for your loved one's medical needs at home. They might need injected medications that you are not confident injecting. Maybe they need to be moved or sponge bathed, and you're not strong enough to do it on your own. At times like these, home health care service organizations can come to your rescue. Most people approach in-home care with a little apprehension, and that's understandable. Having a stranger come into your home can be strange! We hope that in reading the articles on this website, you'll grow more comfortable with the idea and learn a bit more about what home care has to offer.


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Does Your Loved One Need Alzheimer's Personal Care?

Alzheimer's is a progressive memory loss disease that can cause individuals to become entirely unable to take care of themselves over time. Many people who suffer from this disease have loved ones to assist them, such as spouses, family members, or close friends, but sometimes this care isn't enough.

Luckily, there is an option for home care that can help someone who has Alzheimer's thrive. Known as Alzheimer's care, this type of personal care can be done in a person's home or for them while they are living in an assisted living or nursing home facility. Does your loved one need Alzheimer's personal care? This guide, along with the recommendation of your loved one's doctor, can help you out.

Your loved one is declining rapidly

People who suffer from failing mental health usually have good days and bad days. Some days, your loved one may be able to do their basic chores, like preparing small meals or checking the mail, and may have other days where they don't remember where their shoes are or how the stove works. If your loved one is rapidly declining and needing more constant care, then it's time to consider Alzheimer's care for them. They can first be treated at home, then if their condition continues to deteriorate, they can be transferred to a different facility for care.

Your loved one is becoming dangerous

It's not uncommon for people who suffer from memory loss and other brain health issues to become fearful, agitated, angry, or irrational as their disease progresses. Even if your loved one is not normally aggressive or dangerous, they can become this way with time. If your loved one is resisting care, is physically reaching out in anger by biting, punching, pulling hair, or doing other abusive or dangerous things, then call their doctor right away and talk about alternatives, such as Alzheimer's care. Your loved one — and you — deserve to be safe and the right professional care can ensure this happens.

Your loved one is taking more time than you have to give

You have other obligations that need your time, too. As a loved one worsens with their dementia, their need for you increases, and you don't have to strain to meet all their needs if you have Alzheimer's care to rely on. You can use this type of care on a part or full-time basis to give you the breaks and help you need so you don't hit burn-out. The right specialist will put you at ease about your loved one's future care. For more information, contact an Alzheimer's care service